The Big Bang Theory: 1:37 onwards
- Men, women,foreigners, highly intelligent men
- The general representation of the men and women in this scene is a dominant portrayal as men are often represented as superior to women and women are inferior to men i.e. when Raj tries to control who his sister dates. This can be proven midway through scene in the shot reverse shot that takes place between Raj and Priya while he refers back to religion to restrict Priya's freedom of choosing whom she wants to be with. Raj supports this ideaology by stating that they're "Indians" and that "We believe in this stuff". Penny represents the dominant portrayal of blonde women being stupid throughout the show. However Priya creates an alternative portrayal of women as she is represented also as quite intelligent as she makes witty comebacks, which makes her superior as shown through 2:43 where she states that "If you eat beef you need to live with cows for 3 months and drink their urine" in return to Raj stating that they're Indians and they need to follow their religion. This was enough to make Raj feel uneasy and saying that "some of it makes sense, some of it is crazy" and dropping the subject. Sheldon and the rest of the male characters are represented as highly intelligent men, however they are also represented as socially awkward which is the dominant portrayal of nerdy/highly intellectual people as shown through Sheldon mentions that Penny and Sheldon used to date, which makes the whole atmosphere awkward.
- The Indians who follow their strict traditions (don't follow the westernised way of life), scientists who are socially awkward/ don't know how to communicate, the dumb blonde.
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