Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Dominant and Alternative Representations: America

Alternative Representation of America


The reason why I have chosen these images is because they link to the negative and alternative representations of America such as conspiracies i.e. the illuminati. America is also often linked to gun crimes, gang crimes and racism, which is why I have selected images of gangs and protests. I also chose to post the confederate flag as it links to the recent event of it being banned due to its links with the slave trade. I have chosen to add images of McDonalds because it links to the current obesity crisis of America. An image of a man drinking oil links to the idea of America taking advantage of countries for their oil, and the image of factories links to the environmental issues of America.

Dominant representation of America

The reason to why I have chosen these images for the dominant representation of America is because these locations i.e. Hollywood were the first things that came into my head. The american dream is also one of the major periods of America which have shaped it to how it is today. America is also known for its freedom and happiness, and its continuing financial growth which I have shown through my collage.

Sunday, 15 November 2015


The Big Bang Theory: 1:37 onwards

  1. Men, women,foreigners, highly intelligent men
  2. The general representation of the men and women in this scene is a dominant portrayal as men are often represented as superior to women and women are inferior to men i.e. when Raj tries to control who his sister dates. This can be proven midway through scene in the shot reverse shot that takes place between Raj and Priya while he refers back to religion to restrict Priya's freedom of choosing whom she wants to be with. Raj supports this ideaology by stating that they're "Indians" and that "We believe in this stuff". Penny represents the dominant portrayal of blonde women being stupid throughout the show. However Priya creates an alternative portrayal of women as she is represented also as quite intelligent as she makes witty comebacks, which makes her superior as shown through 2:43 where she states that "If you eat beef you need to live with cows for 3 months and drink their urine" in return to Raj stating that they're Indians and they need to follow their religion. This was enough to make Raj feel uneasy and saying that "some of it makes sense, some of it is crazy" and dropping the subject. Sheldon and the rest of the male characters are represented as highly intelligent men, however they are also represented as socially awkward which is the dominant portrayal of nerdy/highly intellectual people as shown through Sheldon mentions that Penny and Sheldon used to date, which makes the whole atmosphere awkward. 
  3. The Indians who follow their strict traditions (don't follow the westernised way of life), scientists who are socially awkward/ don't know how to communicate, the dumb blonde.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Dependency Theory

  1. I primarily use the media as a form of entertainment through social media. I also use the media as a source of finding out what is going on in the world and around me through reading the news online whenever I have time. 
  2. I believe that as a society we are quite dependent on the media. However I see that this is inevitable as technology has become a huge part of our lives, and that we are replacing traditional forms of finding information with the internet which is easily accessible to everyone. The fact that certain technologies such as phones are becoming more advanced means that people are able to do more anywhere and everywhere, making us more dependent on them. 
  3. I believe our dependence on the media in the last 10 years has changed significantly as the media is becoming more advanced and accessible everywhere i.e. phones, tablets, making it easier for people to get addicted and dependent on the media. 
  4. The telegraph article supports the dependency theory as it shows how people feel 'lost' without the internet and the article also describes us as  "A generation that has grown up with the web" and that we have "become dependent upon it". This links back to the dependency theory which states that  people rely on the media for information determining their decisions. My personal opinion on this issue is that it is a growing problem but it is inevitable as we are growing up and living in a world where we need the media to help us get on with our everyday lives. It has reached a stage where even schools and work places use the media constantly to help educate us and get on with work. 

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Audience theory

Hypodermic Needle Theory
  1. This article links to the hypodermic needle because it is suggesting that violent video games, which are addicting, can have a dangerous effect on us. The article states that "Playing a violent video game for just an hour over a three-day period is enough to increase aggressive behaviour" which supports the hypodermic needle theory as it states that the media injects information into the audience like a hypodermic needle and therefore can have a dangerous effect on us.
  2. The coverage of the Talk Talk hacking case also links to the hypodermic needle model because it is blaming a form of media (Violent video games) for influencing the teenager to hack Talk Talk and that violent video games have a dangerous effect on teenagers. On the other hand someone may criticise this article because this theory is not necessary always accurate and also quite outdated. This can be shown through the fact that hacking and violent video games have no link to each other whatsoever.

Two-Step Follow Theory
  1. The two step follow theory was developed in the 1940's after the hypodermic needle theory was deemed too simplistic. Therefore, the two step theory came forth and changed the concept of the hypodermic needle theory, which suggested that the audience consumed media without thinking. The two step theory states that the audience are influenced by ‘opinion leaders’ in the media who have an impact on how the audience react to media texts. This  theory is different to the hypodermic theory as it suggests the media is not all-powerful and that social factors are important, rather than the audience being seen as mindless and consuming the media without thinking. 
  2. The youtube blogger fits into the two step follow theory because he is a critic, and critics are considered to be 'opinion leaders' as the opinion he has on a certain game for example can influence how the audience also see that game i.e. good or bad. This links back to the two step follow idea of opinion leaders and social factors influencing the audience.
  3. The telegraph article also fits into the two-step follow theory as the article shows how Britain's most influential tweeters are based on followers, and by having such a large amount of followers you are able to influence many people through your opinions and therefore are seen as an opinion leader which links back to the idea of the media having an impact on how the audience react to media texts.
  4. Jamal Edwards link to the two-step flow model as it influences readers to not give up on their dreams as he says "Try anything, don't be scared of failure, that is my advice," and because his status is a multimillionaire, he can be considered to be a opinion leader therefore having an influence on the audience (readers)

Uses and Gratifications

Diversion:  Social media networks such as Facebook are seen as past-times and often an escape from everyday problems and routines.  This makes Facebook a useful source of entertainment and is often the choice people go for as there are many things you can do on the website and app. Facebook is often advertised as a place to keep in touch with others like yourself  which can be considered as an escape from the outside world,  this can be shown through several adverts such as this one:

Personal relationships: Sitcoms like ‘The Big Bang Theory’ can be linked to this category as TTBT creates familiarity between the audience and the show because it is a situated comedy and we see the same characters in the same setting. This allows personal relationships to be created as the audience began to develop affection for their favourite characters etc.

Personal identity: Documentaries such as Educating Yorkshire can link to the category of personal identity because this documentary can be seen as a way of young viewers i.e. students finding themselves reflected in the documentary. It also allows the audience to learn behaviours and values which can connect to their own personal identity.

Surveillance: BBC news fits into the category of surveillance because it gives out useful information such as news, travel information and weather news which is all important for living. The BBC is also useful for keeping their audience in touch to outside through news. It can be accessed anywhere i.e. TV, phones, tablets, online, which makes it more handy, it also has a find local news section which makes it easier to find out about what is going around you.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Young and Rubicam: Psychographics

Psychographic group: Succeeders

Names: Benjamin and Charlotte

Where do they work/study?

Benjamin is the CEO of a finance company and Charlotte is a barrister. They both got degrees in economics and law.

What do they do in their spare time?

Visit museums and galleries, drink fine wine and go to restaurants in Central London. Benjamin plays golf and Charlotte spends time with her higher class friends

Print: What newspapers/magazines does your group read (if any)? Is this on paper or tablet?

The Guardian, Telegraph. Independent. Mostly on tablet, sometimes on printed paper if they're on their way to work, 

Broadcast: What TV programmes/channels do your group watch? Radio stations? TV package? Films?

They have the full Sky package. Charlotte enjoys lifestyle channels, sky living etc. Benjamin likes news and business related channels such as Bloomberg. BBC channels and news so they remain informed, educated and also entertained i.e. The Great British Bake Off. 

E-Media: What technology do they own? What websites do they visit (if any)?

iPad, Mac, iWatch, Apple products mainly. Benjamin uses the Flipboard app and LinkedIn and Charlotte uses Pinterest. They usually visit news related websites such as The Independent as they don't have time for social networks.