Sunday, 24 April 2016

Section B exam question

How far does the platform on which they are consumed determine the construction of media products in your cross-media study? Support your answer with reference to a range of products from three media platforms (32 marks)

The platform on which media products are consumed in is very important in determining the construction of these products. My case studies Ill Manors, A Field in England and Spectre demonstrate the importance of how the platform on which a product is consumed determines its structure.

The Ill Manors tag-london campaign for example, was specifically constructed for audience consumption  on social media. The tag-london campaign is a user generated twitter campaign in which fans of Plan B and his film were prompted to tweet the hashtag #ILLMANORS and write their opinions on the current climate in the UK. By aiming the campaign at the online market, a further audience would be attracted towards the film as information is spread quite quickly .i.e. trending which engages the users on social media, which is widely used in todays society while also promoting the film. It was an effective campaign as it allowed the users to identify with the film personally, and with event such as the London riots being in synergy with the film Ill Manors it became more likely for the users to want to watch the film as they could once again identify with the film personally and also gain social awareness.The fact that the campaign was constructed in this manner allows for the target audience (16-25 year olds) to be reached, as the majority of the audience are active on the e-media platform itself.

Broadcast texts for Ill Manors were overwhelmingly consumed online, therefore the texts were constructed with an online audience in mind. For example, the music video for Ill Manors and the trailer were posted on Plan B's channel on the social media site Youtube where the audience could easily access while also sharing it online. Synergy between the two products was created through the trailer using the same music from the music video. An SBTV interview was also made available on youtube, which promoted the film aswell. By posting these videos on Youtube it is likely for the audience to share it and look forward to watching the film.

A Field in England is another good example of how the construction of media products can determine the consumption of a product. A Field in England was constructed on a cross-media strategy where the film was distributed during July 2013 through all platforms i.e. VOD, DVD, Cinema, and on Film 4. This experimental technique was quite successful, as shown through statistics where it generated £21,399 just only over the weekend. With each platform there was an additional benefit added towards it therefore the audience could consume the film in whichever form they find beneficial and conventional. The fact that A Field in England was constructed in this manner meant that the audience were able to consume the product in whichever form they preferred, and this allowed each platform to reach its greatest potential.

The construction of print as a platform was once vital, but is no longer as important as it is not consumed as much anymore and is a dying media. Nevertheless, several films do carry print as a form of creating synergy between their products and this can be presented through Ill Manors where billboards and posters were put around which contained iconography i.e. tower blocks  and weapons that link back to the theme of gang violence, dark colours that carry the connotations of danger and this would link back to other elements of the film such as its logo and the films website. Despite the fact that print is a dying media it is still important in creating synergy between products and it does have to be constructed in a specific manner that appeals to the audience and attracts their attention.

In terms of a mainstream multiplex cinema aimed film, Spectre also demonstrates how the consumption of a product is based around its construction. Spectre was quite present on social media, with it being its main form of promoting the film. Spectre had an intergrated campaign with Heinekan and fans were given access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content. There was also a snapchat campaign where a discovery channel was created specifically for the film, and spectre was quite active on sites such as Facebook and Instagram. The use of Snapchat and Heinakan as forms of promotion would bring in both audiences, the younger audience (snapchat users) and the older audience who have probably watched previous films of the James Bond franchise. The use of cross-media platforms creates synergy which is quite effective as shown through the Ill Manors campaign as it brings out the potential of all platforms. The construction of Spectre is also shown through its certification, the fact that distributors sought to advice on how to secure a 12 certificate suggests that this certification was a form of targeting a larger audience to consume their product. 

In conclusion, the platform on which a product is consumed is very important in determining the construction of a product as it can allow for there to be a specific target audience and promoting the film as shown through my case studies. 

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