Thursday, 25 February 2016

Ill Manors e-media: Tag London campaign

  1. Tag London is a user generated campaign in which the films soundtrack was accompanied by a twitter campaign where fans were prompted to tweet the hashtag #ILLMANORS and write their opinions on the current climate in the UK. It was a quite effective campaign as it allowed the users to identify with the film personally, and with event such as the London riots being in synergy with the film Ill Manors it became more likely for the users to want to watch the film as they could once again identify with the film personally and also gain social awareness.
  2. The iLL Manors tag london campaign helps to promote the film because it engages the users on social media, which is widely used in todays society. By doing this information about the film can also be distributed i.e. trend on twitter as the tag london campaign is specifically aimed at engaging twitter users as twitter is a widely used social network. This will allow awareness on the film to be raised and make more people look forward to watching it.
  3. There is synergy between the tag london campaign and other texts such as the soundtrack of the film and concept of the film. For example, in the tag london campaign video the same soundtrack is used to promote the film. In terms of the concept of the film, there is a link to the political aspect of the film as twitter users are encouraged to voice their views and opinions on the then current climate in the UK after events such as the London riots which is also presented in the film.
  4. User-generated campaigns can be more successful than traditional forms of media campaigns because not only will it engage users/potential film watchers and raise awareness, but it also much more cheaper than traditional media campaigns such as billboards which are expensive and often ignored. By creating a user-generated campaign you can aim your product to a specific age group, and with the fact that iLL Manors is aimed at young adults i.e. 15-24 using social media has been more suitable and quite successful.

The target audience for this tweet would most likely be anyone who is a supporter of the riots because it provides personal identification, a 15-24 year old is a suitable target for this tweet. In terms of synergy this tweet could link back to the music as the term "broken Britain" is constantly used to describe the climate of London during this tense period.  


The target audience for this tweet would most likely be anyone who believes that society is being divided between the rich and poor, but most likely someone who is younger once again. This tweet is in synergy with Plan B's TEDx lecture as he explains the issues facing Britain and the less fortunate. 


The target audience for this tweet would most likely be those who are interested in the political aspects of society in Britain as it mentions subjects such as recession, and can be aimed at anyone of any age. This can be linked back to the music video in terms of the lyrics.


The target audience for this tweet would most likely be anyone who believes that Britain is currently is under danger because of the social meltdown that is taking place within the society i.e. increase in crime and riots as portrayed in the film as a lot of criminal activity takes place in the film. It would most likely be aimed at a younger person i.e. 15-24  as it relates back to the riots. 


The target audience for this tweet would most likely be at anyone who believes that Britain is suffering from Cameron's position as a PM, therefore it could be aimed at anyone. This tweet is also in synergy with the music video as the term "broken Britain" is used once more. 

Monday, 22 February 2016

Print platform branding

  1. The logo of the film, a central image, the release date, a tag line, the directors name
  2. The iLL Manors logo is present, the setting of the image also links back to the theme and concept of the film, the fact that Plan B is also smoking on a rooftop links back to the rebellious theme of the film 
  3. There is synergy between the music video and this poster as Plan B is also seen at this same spot in the music video wearing the same clothes etc.

  1. The title, central image, the name of the director, institution and the release date
  2. Once again the iLL Manors logo is present in the film poster and the characters of the film are included in the cover
  3. There is synergy between the characters in the poster and the actual film/music video, the logo is also included in other forms of the campaign 

  1. Age rating, central image, ratings, directors name, institutional information, tag lines, stills from the film
  2. The fact that one of the characters is present in the film helps to identify the iLL Manors brand, the prop (gun) used links back to the theme of violence and the setting in the packaging links back to the actual setting of the film (estates)
  3. There is synergy between the film and the packaging as the characters are both present in the film and the packaging

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Ill Manors: Broadcast platform concluded

DVD extras
Watch the Making Of Ill Manors from the DVD extras. (Watch in class - unavailable online).

1) The DVD extras give us an insight on Plan B's intentions in making the film, which is to raise awareness and help to create a better understanding on the things that happen in the streets

2) We can learn from the production process that Plan B attempted to make several short films, and he eventually picked out some of the characters from these films to include in iLL Manors. Most of the film was also shooted in the place he grew up in as a child.

3) The possible target audience from this short documentary would most likely be teenagers as there is a sense of personal identity. However, the film could also be aimed at everyone who wasn't a rioter as they can go away and ask questions about themselves and get a better understanding on why the rioters did what they have done.

4) The film successfully does do what Plan B set out achieve as he does manage to create an understanding on the issues that many people have to face on a daily basis because of their surroundings and where they live, this evokes sympathy from the audience. However, the fact that Plan B reinforces these negative stereotypes rather than overcoming them may attract criticism from some of the audience

Watch Plan B interviewed by SBTV while he was editing Ill Manors.


1) SBTV is a multi-faced broadcasting company that is run by a small team of young people. They work on web-based content with the origins and roots lying in the Urban music scene. Most of the content can be seen on their Youtube channel which was created in 2006 but they also do have a website. The target audience in terms of demographics would be 15-24 year olds as they post current content which can be appealing to the younger generation. In terms of psychographics SBTV would most likely appeal to explorers as they are more willing to try out new things.

2) As being a member of the audience I find this interview appealing because it is quite light-hearted which is quite engaging for the audience. The interview also has an authentic appeal as Plan B is seen being himself in a studio rather than a typical interview which is more formal.

3) Plan B is represented as quite laid back brand with a sense of realism towards it i.e. through his music. There is appeal to the younger generation as he is representing their views on issues, and as shown through the video it is clear how Plan B is dedicated to his work. 

Watch Plan B interviewed on the Jonathan Ross show.


1) The Jonathan Ross show came after Ross left BBC Radio 2 and began his own chat show on ITV after his radio show became successful. Ross has been quite a controversial media figure in the past because of the profanity used and the nature of the questions he asks which can range from being too personal to inappropriate.

2) The target audience for this interview in terms of demographics would be the younger and slightly older generation i.e. 15-34. In terms of psycographics I believe reformers would be interested as they are socially aware about the issues that Plan B mentions. Strugglers could also be interested in this particular interview as they may be able to personally identify themselves.

3) The audience appeal would mainly be based on entertainment as it is quite comedic, however there is a form of information as the audience can take out something from each episode. The host himself could appeal with the audience as there is a sense of familiarity.

4) Plan B is represented as a more serious individual in contrast to other interviews such as SBTV where he is seen as more laid back. However he is still light-hearted and funny.

Listen to this interview with Plan B on Fearne Cotton's BBC Radio 1 show.

1) BBC Radio 1 has about 10.4 million listeners a week. However there has been a decline in listeners as not many people listen to the radio in their free times but rather when they are travelling by car, and a change in demographics because of the younger generation which it is originally aimed at are preferring social networking websites and other forms of media to get their information.

2)The target audience for BBC Radio 1 was originally intended for the younger audience i.e. 15-24 year olds, however with there being a shift in society the demographics have changed to the older generation listening to Radio 1 more frequently with the audience consisting of more 45-54 year olds.

3) Plan B promotes iLL Manors in this interview by having his music played during the interview. He also mentions topics on the process of making the film such as the problems he went through i.e. having a low budget and how he got his actors. Plan B himself being interviewed is a form of promotion as they discuss his film. 

4) The representation of Plan B in this interview is quite positive as he is engaged in the interview and the audience get the impression that he is a dedicated and hardworking individual

Ill Manors: Print Platform

Men's Health interview

  1. The target audience of Men's Health magazine in terms of psycographics are the aspirers as the magazine is based on mens health and fitness which is a form of aspiring to be attractive for example. In terms of the demographics the magazine would be more aimed towards A-C1, as the magazine is sold rather than being free and fitness would be more of a priority to those of a higher class as they can afford gym fee's etc. 
  2. Apart from entertaining, the magazine also informs/educates while also allowing a sense of personal identification to take place.This is done through the articles and the content of the magazine i.e. advice on fitness 
  3. Examples of typical codes and conventions in this print interview could be the image of Plan B and the structure of the article. A typical medium shot with high-key lighting has been used to create a natural representation of Plan B, and in terms of the structure of the article quotations have been pulled out from the interview which have been categorized under a specific heading.
  4. Narrative has been used in this article by ordering the quotations from the start of Plan B's new diet regime where he opens up about his issues, to the end result which is quite an optimistic and happy ending, this keeps the reader engaged as this order makes them want to read on and see what happens next
  5. There is synergy between the broadcast and the text as they both are promoting Plan B's product

NME Magazine interview

  1. In terms of demographics the target audience of NME would be the younger audience i.e. 15-24 year olds and under the C2-D bracket. and the psychographics would be explorer as NME always has something new to offer to their audience. 
  2. Apart from entertaining i.e. music/film NME also engages the reader into the political aspects such as this article. In terms of uses and gratifications this can be seen as a form of information and personal identification as the reader is exposed to a political view and they may either agree/disagree with it.
  3. The codes and conventions of the print fit NME as it is an outgoing brand which defy's traditional values hence why it is aimed at a younger audience, this is shown through Plan B's photo where he is seen with a cigarette in his mouth wearing a hoodie/dark clothing. This represents him as more rebellious in contrast to Men's Health magazine.
  4. Narrative is used in this article to keep the reader interested by the use of quotations of Plan B and the promotion of iLL Manors
  5. There is synergy between this print magazine and the broadcast because it is promoting Plan B's film and soundtrack. The way Plan B is represented in the photo also creates synergy between the film and the print as it is similar to the representation of the characters in the film i.e. rebellious, younger generation. 

Guardian interview

  1. The guardian is more aimed at an A-C1 target audience in terms of demographics with the majority being the slightly older audience as the Guardian writes articles based on society, news and issues, however this does not mean the younger audience do not read articles from the Guardian. 
  2. The article does offer entertainment, but it also offers a view into the life of Plan B and the suffering he has went through. In terms of uses and gratifications this could be linked to personal identification as someone from the same background as him may be able to relate, and a form of information as those from a higher class may want to understand more about the situations those who are less better off may have to go through.
  3. The typical codes and conventions of a print interview can be found in this article through the image used, which is a typical moderate medium shot of the person who is being interviewed. In terms of the writing style the article weaves in quotations from the interview
  4. The narrative is used to keep the reader engaged by going in depth into Plan B's life, and the stories of his past are quite interesting and this keeps the reader wanting to find out more
  5. There is synergy between this article and the BBC1 interview because the Plan B also talks about the issue between having a low budget when making the film. 

Daily Mail review of Ill Manors

  1. The target audience for the Daily Mail in terms of demographics would be the slightly older generation and the C1-D audience. In terms of psychographics the target audience would be the resigned as the Daily Mail follows traditional values when it comes to their view.
  2. The article does more than entertain as it is criticising the film which can spark of a debate as seen in the comments. In terms of the uses and gratifications theory the article can be linked to personal identification as the reader can either agree with the view of the writer of the article, or disagree as they can see themselves within the characters of the film. The article can also be linked towards social interaction as this article has the possibility of sparking off a debate with other readers whether the criticism is true or incorrect.
  3. The narrative is used to keep the reader engaged by criticising the film in the article, which can make the reader want to agree/disagree and counter argue with the article.
  4. The codes and conventions of the article is the fact that shots of the film have been included which is typical of a review about a film. 
  5. There is synergy between this text and the broadcast because they both promote the film. 

Friday, 5 February 2016

Ill Manors: TEDx lecture blog task

Notes on the lecture:
  • No respect for authority, we are ignored by society
  • Believes kids are into violence, only way to make music attractive (ironic)
  • Doesn't agree with mentality of young kids killing, but understands, dysfunctional and believe they cant make anything of themselves
  • Media openly ridicule chav's in the news
  • Dehumanization of the youth in the media, how bad the kids are etc. (Yet he reinforces it in his music)
  • Don't let the media lie to you 

3) Plan B has many beliefs and alternative ideologies on the issue of young dysfunctional teenagers living on council estates. He states that teenagers and himself don't have respect for the authority for a reason, and that reason is because they are ignored by society and felt as if they didn't belong in it. Plan B also brings up an example of a 10 year old boy who was murdered "I didn't agree with the mentality that a lot of these kids were going round with, but I understood why they were going round with it. I understood that they were from broken families". This suggests to us that he doesn't agree with the mentality of young kids killing each other, but he understands as he goes on to say that they were raised up "to believe they could never make anything of themselves because they as parents never made anything of themselves.".

4) I believe the target audience of this TEDx lecture is actually different to the target audience of the actual film/music video as mainly the middle-class attend events such as these, this can however be seen as a positive thing as it will create more awareness on the issues Plan B discusses and help eliminate the moral panic that comes with these issues. In terms of psychographics I believe that reformers would be most likely to attend this lecture as reformers are known for wanting social change. This contrasts the target audience of the actual film/music video as they are aimed towards 15-29 year olds because the storyline can be relatable to teens i.e. the conflicts that take place and hardship of growing up in certain estate.

5) Plan B states that in the media there is a "demonisation" of the youth taking place, and that "people are falling for it... because you're only judging them based on something you read in a newspaper". This could be linked back to when he asks the audience what a "Chav" is, and how he believes that " it stands for "council house and violent" and how it is used by the media "to ridicule and label people who come from a less educated background than the rest of society". These quotes suggest to us that Plan B believes the media is quite unfair in terms of the way it represents the poor and less fortunate. This can be linked back to the theory of moral panic (Stanley Cohen) in terms of Plan B attempting to destroy the dominant representation of the youth who live in council estates and dangerous suburbs as much of society have a fear of the younger generation who identify themselves as dysfunctional

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Ill Manors music video


Media Forms
How is it typical of a music video? 

This is typical of a music video because several techniques have been used to fulfill the conventions of a music video. For example, the use of fast-paced editing makes sure there is constant movement in the music video which is typical of mainstream music videos because it gets the audience engaged and increases their interest. In terms of editing it could be argued however that this music video is actually quite experimental as it merges graphics with the actual clips of videos which is not done often in mainstream music videos.

The video is also a montage, which is typical, and this allows a theme to run through the entire music video (Street violence, rioters, gangs). The music video also hints at the theme around the film, as the music video is subtly advertising the film. The fact that the music video has the same name as the film suggests to the audience that it may have the same concept running through the film as the music video. 

The fact that it is also filmed in several settings and locations is typical of a music video. This helps the audience to see a council estate from different views, and can be linked to the recklessness of the residents of these council estates as they are seen in a car park fighting etc. This creates enigma codes as the narrative is still not quite clear, but one thing the audience do know is that it is a dangerous place to live in.

Media Representations

How does it represent the London riots/rioters?

The music video represents the London riots/rioters in a negative light as several clips of the riots that have been merged into the music video suggest that London is in fact quite a corrupt and dangerous city full of yobs. This is quite ironic as Plan B is trying to change this image of teenagers yet he still reinforces the negative stereotypes of the young people. The music video as a whole is an alternative representation of London as it is usually represented as quite a safe and and civilized city. 

The music video also creates a division between the rich and the poor, with the term "Rich boys" constantly being used which belittles the authorities. The video also suggests that the people in the government should actually be subordinate to the members of the public as some clips suggest that the rage of the public is empowering them over the government. By merging actual clips of the riots such as the police officers attacking members of the public reinforces this alternative representation of the government being dangerous and corrupt rather than being there to protect the public, therefore indicating to the audience that there actually is a reason to feel rage towards the government as they are not doing anything for the poor or those who are less better off. 

Media Audiences

What audience pleasures does the music video offer?

The music video offers several pleasures which allows the audience to be engaged when watching the video. For example, the use of cameos of actors, clips from the news and political ideologies makes the audience feel as if their knowledge is being rewarded. 

The music video can also reach out to much of the audience on a more personal level. For example, some members of the audience may be able to identify themselves within the concept of the video and lyrics because they may also be as frustrated as Plan B is and can relate to his view on the issue, and other members of the audience may use the music video as a form of gaining awareness and information on the issue of the London Riots from a different perspective as several clips from the news have been inserted into the music video (Katz and Blumler theory on uses and gratifications).

The ambiguity of the music video can also be seen as an audience pleasure to the audience. The fact that the characters appear in the actual music video rather than showing the different clips of the movie will make the audience gain interest as they still are unaware of what the film is actually about and this will make them want to watch it for themselves.

Media Institutions
How does the music video help to promote the film?

The music video helps to promote the film in various ways. For instance the use of cameos of the characters of ill Manors i.e. Chris creates synergy between the film and the music video through their settings and costumes etc. This makes the audience question if they are playing the roles of their characters or whether they are presented as their true selves and they support Plan B's movement. 

The fact that the music video has the same concept as the film suggests that it was created to gain public attention. By posting the music video on social media networks such as Youtube will allow it to be easily shared and gain more interest from the audience to make them want to watch the film. Plan B himself being in the music video and being the director of the film allows cross-promotion to take place. Members of the audience who were already his fans will most likely want to watch the film, and those who are unaware of Plan B will want to check out his music once they realise that an inexperienced director/rapper actually filmed iLL Manors.

Ill Manors Soundtrack Research

The record companies/institutions behind Plan B:

  • Atlantic Records
  • 679 Artists
  • Mercury Records
  • Warners Bros. Records
  • Asylum Records
  • Cordless Recordings 

Sales/downloads for the soundtrack: 

Ill Manors peaked at No. 6 on the UK Singles Chart on 1 April 2012. The track was also made available as a free download on pre-order of the deluxe edition of the album (Wikipedia)

Fan's and critic reviews:

Review 1) "Whether you like his music or not, fair play to the guy for actually writing songs that say something about society and trying to get younger people thinking about current issues. Most music these days is so bland and corporate. Popstars convey nothing in their songs in the modern era except how much money they have or how many chicks they've bedded. Music used to inspire the young to rise up and challenge the establishment..."

Review 2) "I find this a bizarre song. I can't fathom whether he is glamourising or satirising youth violence? The sentiment of the video seems to be aiming to cement class divisions by valorizing last year's riots as:

a) a valid way for alienated and disenfranchised youths to vent their frustrations
b) placing the blame for the violence, or the conditions that prompted it, squarely on others: 'rich boys' 'the police' 'politicians' etc
c) portraying people who are from council estates, urban areas and poorer backgrounds as essentially and qualitatively different to the rest of society - and proud because of it

I'm confused though. The aim of the song also seems to want to debunk the above observations. And surely, a true progressive (which I am not sure Plan B is) would want to say no one person from any socio-economic background is essentially different to another, they are just cultured into certain ways of being or imbricated into certain situations by a combination of chance and choice"

I have picked these two reviews on the iLL Manors music video because they have conflicting views, with review 1 praising Plan B for creating music that raises awareness on the issues that are having to be faced by many today while review 2 goes into depth and asks whether Plan B is glamourising the youth violence as portrayed in the music video.

In terms of music reviews: 
  1. Metacritic: 83/100
  2. Rotten Tomatoes: 79%